
Case Study: Elevating Optima Cleaners’ Online Presence with Impressive Web Design’s Website Promotion Campaign

Client Overview:

Company: Optima Cleaners (Owned by Mark Wisken) 

Project Duration: 6 months


Impressive Web Design, a leading digital agency, collaborated with Optima Cleaners, a professional cleaning company owned by Mark Wisken, to enhance its online visibility and drive targeted traffic. The primary goal was to promote the website, elevate brand recognition, and attract a specific audience for increased customer engagement.


1. Thorough Website Analysis: Impressive Web Design conducted a comprehensive audit of Optima Cleaners’ website. The analysis identified areas for improvement and established the foundation for an effective promotion campaign tailored to the cleaning industry.

2. Target Audience Identification: Working closely with Mark Wisken, Impressive Web Design defined Optima Cleaners’ target audience within the professional cleaning sector. This involved understanding demographics, industry-specific interests, and online behaviours to tailor the promotional strategies accordingly.

3. SEO Optimization for Cleaning Industry: A robust Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy was implemented, incorporating industry-specific keywords, on-page optimization, and content enhancements. The goal was to elevate Optima Cleaners’ search engine rankings within the professional cleaning sector and increase organic traffic.

4. Sector-Specific Social Media Marketing: Impressive Web Design crafted and executed a targeted social media marketing campaign across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, specifically tailored to the professional cleaning industry. Engaging content and visually appealing graphics were developed to resonate with Optima Cleaners’ target audience.

5. PPC Advertising with Cleaning Focus: Strategic PPC advertising campaigns were launched on Google Ads, focusing on cleaning-related keywords and industry-specific themes. This included creating compelling ad copies, selecting relevant keywords, and optimizing bidding strategies to drive targeted traffic to the Optima Cleaners’ website.

6. Industry-Focused Email Marketing Campaigns: To nurture leads within the professional cleaning industry, Impressive Web Design developed and executed email marketing campaigns with sector-specific content. These campaigns included newsletters, promotions, and targeted communications to keep the audience informed and engaged.


1. Increased Website Traffic

The combined efforts of SEO, social media marketing, and PPC advertising resulted in a 40% increase in overall website traffic within the first three months of the campaign.

3. Successful Social Media Engagement within the Cleaning Community

The social media marketing campaign achieved a 30% growth in Optima Cleaners’ social media following within the professional cleaning community. Engaging content and strategic posting schedules contributed to increased brand awareness and audience engagement within the industry.

5. Industry-Focused Email Marketing Impact

Email marketing campaigns tailored to the professional cleaning sector contributed to a 20% growth in Optima Cleaners’ subscriber base within the industry. Targeted communications and promotions resonated with professionals in the cleaning community, resulting in increased customer retention and engagement.

2. Enhanced Search Engine Visibility in the Cleaning Sector

SEO optimizations addressing queries like “how to clean a sofa” led to a significant improvement in search engine rankings. This resulted in a 25% increase in organic traffic, particularly for informational searches related to sofa cleaning.

4. Effective PPC Campaigns with Cleaning Themes:

PPC advertising generated targeted leads within the cleaning sector, with a 15% increase in conversion rates. Strategic ad placements and continuous monitoring ensured optimal campaign performance within the industry.

Impressive Web Design’s sector-specific website promotion campaign successfully elevated Optima Cleaners’ online presence within the professional cleaning industry. The collaboration demonstrated the effectiveness of a well-coordinated digital strategy focused on industry-specific needs, achieving online success and enhancing brand recognition within the cleaning community.

If you’re seeking a digital agency to promote your cleaning company’s website and elevate your online presence, contact Impressive Web Design today. We bring creativity, expertise, and a commitment to delivering impressive results for your professional cleaning business.

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