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Recommended WordPress Plugins for your Blog

WordPress plugins are small programs or applications that we add to our WordPress blog to add functionality to it. There are a few more WordPress plugins that you should know about. Remember that the greater the number of plugins on your blog, the slower it loads, and this negatively affects the usability and user experience.

Recommended WordPress plugins (almost mandatory)

W3 Total Cache

Speaking of page performance and loading times, this WordPress plugin is almost mandatory for those who want to improve or speed up pages’ download speed. Clarification: if you don’t have a minimum of 200 visits per day, this plugin is not necessary. It is more for those who start to have some traffic and have an interest in improving performance precisely because of it.


This WordPress plugin is used to save your entire installation, including the content, and you can also save it wherever you want, if you want. You could also re-install previous versions of your website, if you need it. It is a very good idea to have a plugin that backs up your website regularly. If something goes wrong and you do not have a backup, you will have to keep the latest version that your server or hosting has saved. Imagine that they did it a month ago and that you publish two or three articles a week. Or that you made some major change a week ago. You wouldn’t be amused.

Google Analytics for WordPress

This WordPress plugin, which is also from Yoast, allows you to create an interface that relates your blog to your Google Analytics account. So you can monitor all aspects of traffic related to your website. Clarification: you can do the same, without installing the plugin. If it causes you a little “respect,” especially at the beginning, install your Google Analytics API directly in the code of your WordPress blog, install the plugin, and it will be much easier. Now, we go back to business as usual, you have a plugin installed that is really not essential because you could do this by following a few very simple steps to install Google Analytics and that I explain, in writing and on video, in that series of posts on the link.

Simple 301 Redirects

Imagine that you have written a post, and you publish it with the name that WordPress automatically gives by default. You realize that it is very long, and you want to remove the “stop-words” (de, la, con, etc.), and that would be better for you. What happens is that if you simply change it and republish, those who reach the first “version” will see an error message because that page no longer exists. This plugin allows you to easily put a 301 redirect to the final URL, the good one, so that you don’t miss that visit. It is very useful to correct errors of the type of the example and many others.

Clean and Simple Contact Form or Contact Form 7

One of the most useful WordPress plugins, if you want your interlocutors to contact you. It is a plugin for the person to enter their data, consult, and get it directly to your inbox. There are hundreds of contact forms as WordPress plugins. These two are the simplest and most effective. What you can do is search the plugins by “contact form,” install one by one the ones you see that you like the most, and finally choose one of them. I do not recommend that you install more than one at a time and that, once you have chosen, completely uninstall the ones that you are not going to use

Digg Digg – Social

DD is the WordPress plugin that I use so that my posts are propagated on social networks. These types of plugins are designed to spread your work on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. The same happens with this WordPress plugin as with the previous ones. There are hundreds, and you will surely find WordPress experts who prefer some and experts who prefer others. All or almost all work well, if we speak of “operation,” although some are more effective than others. 

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