Website Management

A Guide to Child Themes and Code Snippets for WordPress Customisation
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A Guide to Child Themes and Code Snippets for WordPress Customisation

A website’s appearance and functionality play a crucial role in user experience. WordPress, a popular content management system, offers a vast array of themes to cater to diverse website needs. However, many themes come with limitations when it comes to extensive customisation. This is where child themes and code snippets come into play. This guide delves into the world of…

Granular Control for Advanced User Role Management in WordPress
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Granular Control for Advanced User Role Management in WordPress

For any website, particularly those with a complex user base, managing user roles and permissions is crucial. WordPress offers a basic structure with predefined roles like Administrator, Editor, and Author. While these roles provide a good starting point, they often lack the granularity needed for specific workflows. This is where custom capabilities come in, empowering you to create a highly…

How to Delete WordPress Backups by cPanel (and Free Up Hosting Space)
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How to Delete WordPress Backups by cPanel (and Free Up Hosting Space)

To delete WordPress backups from your hosting, you can use cPanel. In this way, you will be freeing up space from the hosting and avoiding buying more space in the future. If you have a website designed with WordPress, has it ever happened to you that your hosting has warned you that you were running out of space? One of…